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Who Works Your Matter

Simple. Your matters are staffed by the person or team you select or, if you ask us to make the choice, the most qualified people on our team for your job. We deploy a wide variety of legal, business, and technical skills to work on your issue. Then we diligently remove all internal process and organizational barriers commonly found in law firms that might preclude you from seeing the best available talent applied to ensure the best possible result.

Altera understands that not every aspect of every problem can be resolved by an attorney. Sometimes it’s the scientist on our staff who does the critical heavy lifting in a highly technical task. Or it might be a litigator who is best able to craft an effective contract for you - after all, the litigator is the one who sees agreements unravel and knows how and why they unravel. That’s why Altera employs such a diversity of competence. Because your issues have many dimensions, you should expect no less in choosing competent counsel.